Spray & Heal
All Natural Spray
for Hooved Animals
Spray & Heal™ speeds healing and can often dramatically reduce the duration of standard medical care. This is due to the combined synergistic ability of the Spray & Heal™ ingredients acting in concert to initiate a series of positive and accelerated healing cascades.
These healing cascades can include the reduction of Cortisol, a stress chemical that is produced by the animal's body as a result of pain, inflammation or stress. Cortisol causes a general internal stress within the body, manifesting as tension, tightening and squeezing of all of the blood vessels and capillaries in the body, called vasoconstriction. This constriction acts to compromise the body’s immune system, making healing problematic, which often further contributes to a downward health spiral; expressed as more pain, more distress and the exacerbation of non-healing wounds.
By the use of Spray & Heal™, you are able to help stop pain and subsequently correct and re-normalize your horse's body. When pain is controlled and decreased, there is a concomitant decrease in stress and therefore less Cortisol production.
Thus by effecting pain relief, there will be a simultaneous reduction of vasoconstriction,
both at wound/injury site/s and systemically.
When the animal's internal tension/stress starts to turn into a more relaxed and balanced state, immediately more blood flows, not only to wound site/s, but through every organ of the body as well. This renewed blood flow brings much needed oxygen and nutrients that are vitally needed for cellular repair, while also speeding toxin removal from cells and tissues.
This increase in blood supply throughout the body further helps to boost the overall healing processes by dynamically helping the animal's body and the immune system to work at a more optimum level.
As the enteric system returns to balance, gastro-intestinal nutrient uptake is increased and optimized. The immune systems rebounds. More and balanced systemic organ inter-relations and optimizations help the body to do more with less effort. This positively affects the critical ADP/ATP energy cycle. All contributes to accelerated healing, enhanced health and the amplification of performance.
Relieving pain with Spray & Heal™ also provides for better disposition, mental attitude and rapport with your hourse. When your hourse is not in pain, your horse is calmer, and also permits deeper more more restorative sleep.
Since pain, discomfort and stress rob the body of energy, when Spray & Heal™ is used to relieve these conditions, all of the tremendous amounts of energy and energy reserves that previously went into combating pain, inflammation, stress and vasoconstriction, are
now available for both the immune system and for
increased performance.
Mechanisms of Action