Spray & Heal
All Natural Spray
for Hooved Animals

Recreation and Working Horses
Spray & Heal can be used for recreational horses out on trail ride, or horses on the prairie, such as on cattle drive. It can be used daily to calm the horse, if a horse gets spooked. It can be used for leg flexibility in case of stiff knees or ankle. If the horse receives an injury Spray & Heal can be applied immediately. First aid on the trail for the smallest injury, such an irritation to the eye, to the largest, such as cuts or twisted ankle can be treated immediately as if your vet was along for the ride.
For calming horses
Whether your horse is a thoroughbred, a Shetland pony, a parade horse or a mule, Spray and Heal can be therapeutically applied to all types of horses, from the top of their head down to their hooves.
Spray and Heal can also be used for calming, particularly if your horse is spooked by thunder and lightning, or at the sight of a bear, or agitated while being transported by trailer or air transit. For immediate calming use Spray and Heal: Spray onto the face, ears and nose. This will quiet, balance and relax your horse, so your horse does not injure itself.
Thoroughbred Horses
Gemometry, a three year thoroughbred racing in Florida was covered in scurf, which was affecting his immunity. His European trainer was not afraid to use a all natural such as sand heal to try to vclear uo his skin prodblens to get hime well enohght to run within 3 weeks of using s a heal daily raced his race came in 2nd and the next 2 finisjhing first sheal is all natural, bo drugs showed up in the spit box after his race
vanned as well as healing any ininjury r
in many ways whether it is for skin rashes (scurf) on the skin, a laceration, stitches, firing of legs, hoof infection the product can be applied in many different ways. The overall being of the horse will not be compromised from partial to full time use